An incestuous sex movie about a girl named Ichika Matsumoto who has long fallen in love with her brother. She often has intimate actions with onii-chan that he can’t help but fantasize about being able to massage those beautiful buttocks. One day, Ichika was confessed to by a tall, handsome, and kind boy in his class. But because she fell in love with onii-chan, she couldn’t accept his confession. In order to avoid being embarrassed when she met each other, she didn’t know how to answer him. He didn’t give up, but wanted Ichika to answer. Ichika decides to tell him that she has fallen in love with onii-chan to make him give up hope. Knowing Ichika’s weakness, he wants her to satisfy him. Ichika’s Onii-chan also witnessed this and when he got home, seeing that beautiful ass again made him uncontrollably do something unforgivable…